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Mohandas Gandhi

©James Bennett Dream by SV Bosak

Indian political reformer, member of the Club of Dreamers (Dream by Susan V. Bosak).

When Gandhi was born, India was part of Great Britain and the Indian people were treated very badly. Gandhi wanted to change this, but he didn't want bloodshed.

He developed a method of resistance based on the principles of courage, nonviolence, and truth called Satyagraha. Because of his work and determination, India won independence from Britain.

Many call him the father of nonviolent change. His methods have been used by many people, including Martin Luther King, Jr.

Gandhi is commonly known in India and across the world as Mahatma Gandhi (which is Sanskrit for "Great Soul") and as Bapu (in Gujarati, "Father").

Said Mohandas Gandhi:

"I discovered in the earliest stages that pursuit of truth did not permit violence being inflicted on one's opponent, but that he must be weaned from error by patience and sympathy. For what appears truth to the one may appear to be error to the other."

"You may never know what results come from your action. But if you do nothing, there will be no results."

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world."

Recommended Reading:

Gandhi: Great Soul by John B. Severance. Clarion, 1997. A well-written biography, featuring many black-and-white photographs, that portrays the pivotal experiences, public actions, and personal struggles of this leader.

Gandhi: India's Great Soul by Maura D. Shaw and Stephen Marchesi (illus). Skylight Paths Publishing, 2003. Illustrated with colorful paintings, drawings, and photographs, this discussion of Gandhi covers his life, beliefs, and achievements, as well as invites readers to consider how Gandhi's beliefs can be applied to their own lives.

Gandhi: The Father of Modern India by Pratima Mitchell and Mrinal Mitra (illus). Oxford University Press, 1998. A simple biography, with a half-page of text and a watercolor drawing on each page, chronicling Gandhi's entire life.

© SV Bosak, www.legacyproject.org