Ask any successful person and they'll tell you that education, learning as much as you can about what you're interested in, is a key
to making dreams a reality. Successfully finishing high school and going to college also makes more dreams possible. Many jobs aren't open to people without a high school or college degree. Education in general puts more into your head so that you have more ideas, are better at solving problems, and are better at making important life choices.
The last lines in Dream read:
With everything around you,
With everything before and after you,
With everything that is you...
Dream a dream... your very own dream.
One of the quotations in Dream from Louis Pasteur reads, "Chance favors only the mind that is prepared."
The really smart people aren't the ones who know everything, but are the ones who are willing to learn everything they can.
The start of the school year is an ideal time for a child and their parent or a class of students and their teacher to discuss, write out, and sign a Learn to Dream Pledge. Students make a pledge to themselves, their teachers, and their parents that they will do the very best they can throughout the school year to learn as much as they can so that they can make their dreams for their life a reality. The big dreams of the future start with everything you learn now.
Download the Learn to Dream Pledge sheet. Each student writes and signs their own pledge, focusing on things they want to improve on or remind themselves of.
Start by talking about the kinds of things students might include on their pledge. For example: |
After you've brainstormed a number of items that students can include on their pledge, they choose the ones most meaningful to them, write out their pledge, sign and date it.
Students should put their pledge in a place where they'll see it often – a book bag, lunch box, or desk drawer. A teacher or parent can review the pledge occasionally with students so that they can assess how well they're living up to the pledge they've made. |