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Find out more about plucky underdog Susan V. Bosak

Creative, meaningful grad gift ideas

For schools: Begin and End With a Dream

Read a description of the story, check out the reviews, take a peek at some of the remarkable illustrations, and watch an interview with the author – the award-winning bestseller Dream

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Seuss vs Susan. Some graduates receive a dozen or more copies of the Dr. Seuss classic Oh, the Places You'll Go! Here's an alternative, something new, a unique graduation gift book: Dream by Susan V. Bosak. Encourage your graduate's dreams and give them something other than the common Dr. Seuss Oh, the Places You'll Go! Dream is appropriate for graduates of all ages, from elementary to high school to college and university! Dream by Susan V. Bosak is a nice alternative graduation gift choice to Dr. Seuss' Oh, the Places You'll Go. The graduation gift should mark the milestone in a special way. Beautiful graduation gift for elementary, high school, college, and university grads. Best graduation gift. A popular alternative to Dr. Seuss' Oh, the Places You'll Go. Grad gift ideas. A popular graduation gift is Dream By Susan V. Bosak. Graduation gift for elementary, middle, junior high, grade 5 moving up ceremony, grade 8, high school, university and college. Graduation gift alternative to Dr. Seuss' Oh, the Places You'll Go. Best graduation gift for high school. Grad gift for middle school. Graduation gift for elementary school. Graduation gift for students. Best graduation gifts. Graduation gift ideas. A graduation gift for children as a graduation keepsake and special gift. A graduation gift for teenagers instead of Places You Go. A graduation gift for graduates. Graduation gift list. High school graduation gift ideas. Best graduation gift ideas for elementary, middle, and high school. Popular graduation gift ideas for high school. High school graduation gift option instead of Places You Go. High school graduation is a time to dream. The book Dream is the perfect gift for a high school student for a high school graduation. Graduation is a time to start reaching for dreams. Dream by Susan Bosak is an inspirational college graduation gift. The best college graduation gift. High school graduation gift. Instead of Dr. Seuss' Oh, the Places You'll Go!, choose Dream. Seuss versus Susan for elementary school graduation gift.


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Seuss vs Susan
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The Perfect Grad Gift: Dr. Seuss Oh, the Places You'll Go! vs Dream by Susan V. Bosak

Shocking, true statistic: some graduates receive as many as half a dozen copies of the Dr. Seuss classic Oh, the Places You'll Go! Over a lifetime, as they graduate kindergarten to college, they may accumulate over a dozen copies!

We all love Dr. Seuss, but it has to stop. Help save graduates everywhere from this burden, from having to smile politely and say 'thank you' yet again to another copy. Help gift-givers save face. As a public service, no less and no more than our civic duty, we offer an alternative graduation gift idea: Dream by Susan V. Bosak. In fact, Dream is perfect for any life milestone, from a birthday to a graduation to a retirement. You're never too young or too old to dream! The battle is on: Seuss vs Susan.
Dr. Seuss Oh, the Places You'll Go!

Oh, the Places You'll Go!

by Dr. Seuss

 Dream by Susan V. Bosak

Dream: A Tale of Wonder, Wisdom & Wishes
Susan V. Bosak

Dr. Seuss is a world champion, knock-out author of more than forty books.

Susan is the plucky underdog. Who doesn't love to root for the underdog? (hum Rocky theme song here)

Told with a wide-eyed, little fellow wearing only either yellow longjohns or pyjamas, yet who never seems cold. Strange.

Told with a wise old star (gender unknown) with a golden glow who lives in a dream chest at the end of the rainbow. Equally strange.

Written in Seuss-ical style with the best-known line, "Will you succeed? Yes, you will indeed. (98¾% guaranteed.)"

Written in Sus-ical style with the best-known line, "Little dreams, big dreams, each a hope looking for a life to make it real – a life like yours."

Illustrated in Dr. Seuss' own inimitable style with wacky creatures, people, and landscapes that are distinctively his.

Illustrated by not just one but by
15 top illustrators including Academy Award winner Shaun Tan, Caldecott Medal winners Leo and Diane Dillon, and Hans Christian Andersen Medal winner Robert Ingpen. Search for the hidden star in each illustration – and make a wish with every one you find!

Conceived in a couple of hours on a few table napkins. Seuss' last book.

Five years of some blood, a fair bit of sweat and, truth be told, a few tears. Susan's dream.

No awards – that we know of.

11 national awards – none paid for.

Recommended by over-zealous sales clerks everywhere.

Recommended by Shakespeare, Confucius, Beethoven, Dickinson,
Einstein, and a host of others – all members of the Club of Dreamers – who contributed inspiring images and quotations.

Moving Mountains illustration from Dr. Seuss Oh, the Places You'll Go! Climbing the Mountain of Life illustration © Shaun Tan from Dream by Susan V. Bosak

Moving mountains requires specialized heavy equipment and has become prohibitively expensive, especially with today's high student loans.

Climbing the mountain is much more achievable, eco-friendly, and self-satisfying. Do you see the smiling face hidden in the landscape? Dream has lots of cool stuff like that.

Annual sales of over 300,000 copies. Seuss' income last year, around $10 million.

Annual sales are up to you. Susan's income last year, by comparison too miniscule to mention.

Dead. No author visits or autographs possible.

Alive. Author visits and autographs happily provided.

Places to go or…


A dream in your heart…

Dr. Seuss Oh, the Places You'll Go!  Dream by Susan V. Bosak


Oh, the Places You'll Go! by Dr. Seuss vs Dream: A Tale of Wonder, Wisdom & Wishes by Susan V. Bosak. We love The Champ, but every Underdog deserves a chance. Vote for your choice in one of the ways that really counts – with your dollars. Dream is available online and in bookstores. By the way, we even offer a discount if you want to buy many Dream at once. Help us save – and inspire! – graduates everywhere.

Thank you for your support. May all your dreams come true – or at least the ones that really matter.
